Monday, December 1, 2008

Where have they gone!!!

Last week, terrorists have attacked mumbai, the commercial capital of India. Around 200 people were killed including 3 top cops and lots of innocent people. people are saying 'Enough is Enough' and demanding quick turn-around from the government. For the first time after a string of terrorist attacks, people are asking for accountability. The highly vulnerable shivaraj patil resigned and a lot more people have to come.

But, the Saviours of maharashtra, the Maharashtra Navnirmana Sena, under the leadership of Raj Thackerey is no where in the picture. Where have they gone!!! Do they just cause unrest in the society and kill innocent youth in the name of regionalism. Infact the headline-searcher for the past 2months or so, Raj Thackerey and his patriotic sena should have been sent to fight with the terrorists to prove their credibility. If India is aiming to become a superpower, hypocrites like this should go first. Else India will remain as a developing-country forever.

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